
Wiley Battles

Business Information Systems, B.S.B.A.
Minor in Data Analytics

Tulsa, OK


(918) 508-3630


Wiley Battles


• Microsoft Office 365 Suite
• Python
• HTML, CSS, JavaScript
• Amazon Web Services, Intermediate

• GitLab/GitHub
• VMware CloudHealth
• AdobeXD
• Online coursework, Google UI/UX design

Work Experience

Information Technology Intern / BOK Financial
May 2022 - August 2022

• Collaborated with Cloud Computing team on the deployment of cloud services.

• Developed software for real-time cost monitoring and invoice management.

• Implemented cost reconciliation system, automating end-to-end operations via a CI/CD pipeline.

Developer / Fortaleza
May 2022 - August 2022

• Supported Fortaleza (www.fortaleza.io) in providing outsourced IT managed services, data analytics, and application development services

• Engineered software to update Geographic Information Systems (GIS) files for LineGuide, a compliance application aiding power companies in Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) inspections.

UX Designer / Before I Croak
May 2022 - August 2022

• Guided UI/UX design for an estate planning application through dialogue with the client.

• Created an application workflow and low-fidelity models utilized for front-end development.

• Converted models into a functional AdobeXD prototype used to secure seed funding.

Project Management Associate / LineGuide
May 2018 - August 2018

• Conducted customer sentiment analysis on beta release of LineGuide (www.lineguide.io).

• Led a team of independent contractors in developing a new Branding Guideline.

• Refreshed marketing materials such as business cards, websites, and promotional brochures.


The University of Tulsa
2020 - 2024

Awarded the Presidential Scholarship


Vice President, iTU
May 2023 - Present

President, Alpha Sigma Chapter of Beta Upsilon Chi
January 2022 - December 2022

Recruitment Officer, Alpha Sigma Chapter of Beta Upsilon Chi
August 2021 - January 2022